Alternative Provision and Nurture

For some students, accessing mainstream education can be a challenge, here at Just Do Sport, we work closely with schools to bridge the gap.

We can offer alternative forms of nurture to support children who have experienced ACES to ensure they are capable of staying in mainstream education and moving in the right direction of travel, progressing towards the next phase. 

We use an impact report to create a document for schools which can be used as an informative tool to record measurable progress in terms of communication, emotions, engagement, behaviour and understanding. We support positive behaviour through engaging activities such as Lego building, obstacle courses, problem solving and many more.  

What we offer:

Adult support for a child in 1-1 settings and small groups.

Support for children with their curriculum based work.

Unique plans of progression to develop children.

In depth impact reports.

Activity blocks of work to follow.

Emotional education sessions, developing children's understanding of emotions.

Benefits include:

    A clear and safe progression plan for children.
    In depth and detailed impact report, forming evidence of measurable progress.
    Consistent members of staff able to build relationships with students.
    A clear objective of trying to improve a child's time spent in class, being ready for the next phase of learning.

New and engaging activities each week.

Evidence based intervention.